Booooo. Stop calling it art. It's a prompt that spat this out.
Very cool! These are great!
Y r they lit up though? They look super awesome but is it a real life thing?
That's why! I'm absolutely dog shit at games, couldn't even imagine playing StarCraft even semi competently 😂
I replied pylon cool innit because the post just said pylon and didn't show the pic but that's a great pylon pic ❤️
I'm 36, I don't know what it is. Should I be embarrassed? 😂
I thought so too 😊
There's even a website, I feel seen
Pylon cool innit
Yesss thanks for joining my cult 😂
Heck yes ❤️
I always love those photos but I'd need it to be summer to get one like that I think 😂
I love the lines they offer, this one in particular because of the different direction they go in.
Tell me I'm not alone 😂
This is the first house I've ever been jealous of. On the side of a canal in Yorkshire.
The photo is a bit shit, the foreground was a bit too dark so I edited it more than I'd usually like to to make it visible.
Booooo. Stop calling it art. It's a prompt that spat this out.