This was indeed a horrific incident.
And the exact number of people who died due to working there is still unknown!
Hawk's Nest Tunnel Tragedy 1930s
This was indeed a horrific incident.
And the exact number of people who died due to working there is still unknown!
Hawk's Nest Tunnel Tragedy 1930s
I would think so, but conformation of this will be dependent on the researchers around the globe who as I type, are trialling such resurfacing ideas and methods. I would imagine any excessive particulate matter would be released by wear on the surfacing, whatever that might be ?
There are already several recognised diseases which are solely down to tyre and brake wear alone such as the well documented 'London or City Cough' here in the UK.
But hey..What could possibly go wrong?
Granite is a natural material whereas engineered stone is a man made manufactured material :
Granite is a plutonic rock that is composed of between 10 to 50% quartz (typically semi-transparent white) and 65 to 90% total feldspar (typically a pinkish or white hue). Granite is an intrusive igneous rock, which means it was formed in place during the cooling of molten rock.
Engineered stone silicosis
Engineered stone silicosis is an emerging disease in many countries worldwide produced by the inhalation of respirable dust of engineered stone. This silicosis has a high incidence among young workers, with a short latency period and greater aggressiveness than silicosis caused by natural materials.
Although the silica content is very high and this is the key factor, it has been postulated that other constituents in engineered stones can influence the aggressiveness of the disease. Different samples of engineered stone countertops (fabricated by workers during the years prior to their diagnoses), as well as seven lung samples from exposed patients, were analyzed by multiple techniques.
Some of the volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals detected in the studied countertop samples have been described as causative of lung inflammation and respiratory disease.
Among inorganic constituents, aluminum has been a relevant component within the silicotic nodule, reaching atomic concentrations even higher than silicon in some cases.
Such concentrations, both for silicon and aluminum showed a decreasing tendency from the center of the nodule towards its frontier.
In the analysis of the lung samples, the presence of silicon, iron, aluminum and titanium in the granulomas was confirmed. Aluminum, in particular, was distributed in a relatively high concentration in granulomatous lesions.
One of the elements systematically detected in all samples was tungsten.
This has not been reported for any previous series, and we cannot rule out that the procedure used by us to obtain the dust samples could have led to tungsten contamination (steel bits with tungsten carbide tips).
The addition of elements contributing to Engineered Stone dust has been verified by other authors who used similar tools in the processing of the material; the results can also differ based on dry or wet processing
Why is RPE the last resort or last line of protection?
RPE can only protect the wearer. Control measures at source (at the point where hazardous substances are released into workplace air), such as local exhaust ventilation or enclosures, protect all those working in the area.
So, only use or provide RPE as a last line of choice for respiratory protection. Consider other control measures before deciding upon RPE.
Exactly and a point many cannot seem to understand, most occupational diseases are as a whole, caused simply by ignorance : The time to change this corporate 'for profit over all' ideology has well past. You take care sir and try not to worry . As with your elders, I am quite sure the heart failure will get you first ! Live long and prosper dude
That shit is mass produced over here in garages and garden sheds, the only substance that does go into every batch of whatever the manufacturers have to hand is the colouring. Taking it is even more dangerous than giving it a label !
Yip, here in the UK there have been several diseases named after brake dust pollution!
But who is acting on this confirmed medical research?
Answers on a postcard to