Io ne conosco di giornalisti, gente che vedi in TV tutti i giorni, l'etica non sanno neanche cosa è.
Wow, had a read of your comments, you truly are what is rotting in the world.
There are some sushi romano fusion restaurants in rome, at least 2 near where I live. That's definitely on the menu. Well, made with guanciuale obviously.
"yes it's exacly like asking a paraplegic to just get up and run" is my go phrase
You do it for a living and you can't even understand what a general ai is. Alas I long since understood that mostly everyone is profoundly incompetent at their own jobs.
If you don't think ai will get there and surpass everything humans have done in the past, you should change career.
Maybe they need a "final solution", they should had some practice.
I really wanted pug bacon, but it's just a vegan scam site.
Thumbs down to execute, thumbs closed in the hand for mercy.
I'm guessing that Israel has all the Epstein files and photos thanks to the mossad. That's how they operate.