Hey now, let's not jump to conclusions!
They might be blackmailing him.
He's still a dumbfuck, just a different type.
Hey now, let's not jump to conclusions!
They might be blackmailing him.
He's still a dumbfuck, just a different type.
.... No.
Slaughter means killing of animals for food. These birds weren't killed for food.
Here's a decent source if you want more info.
For fucks sake.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. What did you do before deciding I have no proof? That it's "not debunked".
You don't have to disprove a negative, that's not how proof works.
All I'm trying to say is we should do our research lest we should be as susceptible to bullshit as the right is.
Look, I googled it. First result.
Edit: for those who don't want to watch a video, it clearly shows him sitting on the towel-less couch.
Stop being so stupid that I get put in the unenviable position of defending a man I despise.
I cannot prove whether he's continent or not. I'm just saying I've seen multiple posts of him sitting on "a towel" like this
In which the videos clearly show it's just his stupidly long coat tails.
And debunked stuff like that is simply not needed when we're talking about Trump. We should check our sources and assumptions because the right does not.
The towel/couch thing is not true. It looked like it on the pic and there were memes about it, but in the video it's clearly just his ridiculously long suit ties.
Trump has a million other valid things to mock, don't mock the debunked stuff or we're no better than Fox News.
I see lots of good picks here, a few of my favourites books mentioned... I love The Expanse in particular, but "Pushing Ice" by Alastair Reynolds had a better focus on complex female characters.
I saw one, once. I live in Canada. Googled the dude's name, he was listed as an actual terrorist.
That video is comedic gold.
Canadian here.
Your chance to save democracy comes at the ballot box, not by shooting candidates.
Is that a thing? Meteors content matching Earths?
Do you have sources on the Stephen Harper stuff? Not doubting, I just need ammunition because I have to argue this point with boomers.
It's commonly done in some specific cases of people not breathing. Sleep apnea and opioid drug overdoses are two immediate examples I can think of.
With opioid drug overdoses, stimulation in general can be (temporarily) effective if they haven't taken too much. Usually, they require more stimulation, such as sternal rubs or trapezius pinching, but I have seen cases where they needed someone to shout at them every 30 seconds or so.