Oh hi “Tina”. Why would I care what Sarah does or where she ends up? Stealing people’s photos and putting them on porn sites is a crime btw! Especially if it’s children. Sarah should actually be looking into the people who posted her photos on those sites! You seem to have a really vested interest in it? Talk about it a lot. Maybe you have some info to share?
joined 7 months ago
Well we all spend our free time differently! 😘
Lmao there’s no rage Jan. Just curiosity! Trying to paint me as the crazy, ragey women is sad Jan. I know all your manipulative tricks and they don’t phase me! This is fun! You should check out my insta too! It’s Annie M Globel. I’m sure you understand the joke!
Sorry what is intimidating about what I said? You gals are hilarious
You should ask Jan these questions! And she also doesn’t make friends easily with women! In fact this whole comment could be written by me to you about Jan. So funny!