I'm beginning to think there actually is a right-wing, anti-vegan, pro-factory-farming, pro-meat cabal at work here. The kind of people Elon Musk would happily fund.
I'm OK with GNOME.
OMG das muss doch wehtun, wenn man an etwas glaubt, das sich hinterher als Fake erweist. ODER?
besser als Satire zu markieren
LOL, klar. Wie sonst sollte man dort den Humor erkennen? /s
Hard fork incoming in 3... 2... 1....
I firmly believe there are no backdoors or anything dodgy going on here
OK but that's hardly reassuring.
Well, I can do that too, couch fucker.
Those crafty democrats... /s
Seems "being prepared" looks like a super-power to the MAGA people..
What? Trump is so weak his plans can be foiled by simple witchcraft? I thought Trump big, the best stronk? /s
Face it, dude. Trump is an easily manipulated idiot. Harris demonstrated it live on TV.
Come to the EU, noone will scoff at paternity leave here. On the contrary, colleagues will congratulate you for procreating lol