Tinfoil hat time, but im more concerned that some kind of false flag would happen on a boarder city. Kill a lot of people, blame it on migrants, close the border, declare martial law, cancel elections.
I see what youre saying, but clearly pigs were harmed for this fun.
so because you paid for it, the items is magically transformed into something that isnt junk? is it more efficient to have parts of that junk shipped all over the world to be assembled then shipped all over again to be sold?
are you serious? business dont give a fuck about waste. look at the plastics industry. lightbulbs were another historic example of something being made less efficient so that it made more money
"life isn't fair, Tetris sure isn't fair, you gotta deal with what they give you, and sometimes they give you some really hard to swallow garbage, but if you can chug through it, it makes you a winner." Thor Ackerlund, Nintendo World Champion
Dumb and dumber, Jurassic Park, the matrix. In no order.
hes a clown. the whole bread and circus thing.
Let's fix the environment by fuckin it up more.
Whew that shattered off a fragment of my mind. It's ironic that we say they want to own (get one over on) the libs, but what they really want is to do is own (enslave) an outgroup.
It's not a sales tax it's a tariff π