Any Canadian government entity should leave the platform
Sure, I agree. has been spammed with articles about this activist though that don't mention that he's pro-Russia/Anti-Ukraine. Just thought I'd add some context.
Sure, I agree. has been spammed with articles about this activist though that don't mention that he's pro-Russia/Anti-Ukraine. Just thought I'd add some context.
Anyone know a good Canadian Shampoo? I spent some time trying to find one and the best I could get was l'oreal for men, French company but it isn't clear where it's made.
Edit : I bought some shampoo and toothpaste from Green Beaver. If it ends up being good I'll probably swap to that.
I'm here to boycott the USA, not to shill for Russia
I agree that there may be a case of cops going beyond the law. I only looked into this since the Canada feed has about 4+ articles talking about this guy with very little details. A 2 second search shows he's basically a Russian agent.
This guys entire twitter feed is him harassing people for views....
I see a lot of posts about this guy but a quick scroll of his twitter sees him defending Russia and Belerus. Opposing Canada helping Ukraine, etc. Seems like a lot of red flags on this dude.
It's funny either way
Hard pass for me due to the author, he's a real jerk.
3:16 and Mothership as a Gm. Always eager to try whatever else people in my group want to run.
Kind of weird to refer to the countries as "U.S. Allies" given the context