Mind isn't self. Those thoughts eh...
V for Vendetta.
Sentient dot 😂
Where TF did my entire family go??
In just a few words to summarise a lot of these comments:
What user spends the most moneh?
Oh! Now I understand what that other commenter was talking about by 'matching of letters to the numbers' or something along those lines.
We getcha but that's romaji which is a transliteration of the syllable sounds.
How about strokes? 一,二,三 😆
Didn't they go secular because freemasonry is essentially gnostic and sees all religion as tending towards the divine realisation?
I feel like the most important thing to take away here is to not feel pushed to have a social life. One city I lived in I had one friend I really considered a friend and the rest were mostly in the background (though fun to hang out with time to time).
For me a social life is enough if I find a single person who is capable of listening and rolls with bouncing ideas off each other.
May or may not apply to OP but zero social life sounds like they're an introvert.
This is the way.
Just like the first smash when you're playing pool, quite a few balls are going down the table while a couple might go off up the table. There's a net movement down the table. It gets more complicated because we're talking balls of different masses and a bit of relativistic speeds, but analysis will reveal what those masses are and hence the net direction of the momentum and thus the direction of the velocity.