Totally. I didn't mean to suggest that someone's fundemental sexual orientation would change. I can see why that would be worrying. I was meaning a much more mundane fluidity and fluctuations on what I find attractive and how I express myself sexually (which I thought was pretty normal, but I can only speak for myself!) There have been times when I've been more attracted to wild types, and other times when I'm strongly attracted to safe and nurturing people. I've always been generally attracted to guys & gals (& nb pals), but how equal my preferences are changes back and forth. And even at an individual level, I can think of someone entirely nonsexually for years, then one day see them in a fancy jacket or whatever, and suddenly I'm totally attracted to them.
Defintely not arguing for conversion therapy! Just curious thinking about the different influences on the experience of attraction.
Yes, I guess I take the different perspective with that. I'm fine sticking with my own arbitary rule for what is coffee, and judging people (in a very mild and irrelevant way) for not liking "real" coffee. But I'm also totally fine with someone judging me for doing it wrong. Or putting cream in my carbonara or whatever. I don't think people judging each other and having arbitary standards is a bad thing, and I'm aldoy happy for people to disagree with that belief.
A cappachino is coffee and frothed milk, a mocha is coffee and chocolate and milk, etc. If you make something by mixing A + B + C then the result can't be C. Personally I like just coffee on its own, but I'm happy to make others sweet and milky coffee drinks if they desire them. They smell nice and look pretty!
Defintely agree about the beans.