In case you ever wanted to blur your house from google street view you can. A little privacy i suppose, its pretty easy. you dont need a reason to do it. This probaly the only thing google lets opt out of which is cool.
In case you ever wanted to blur your house from google street view you can. A little privacy i suppose, its pretty easy. you dont need a reason to do it. This probaly the only thing google lets opt out of which is cool.
In case you ever wanted to blur your house from google street view you can. A little privacy i suppose, its pretty easy. you dont need a reason to do it. This probaly the only thing google lets opt out of which is cool.
In case you ever wanted to blur your house from google street view you can. A little privacy i suppose, its pretty easy. you dont need a reason to do it. This probaly the only thing google lets opt out of which is cool.