i was so caught up with the bait that i genuinely fell for this. you got me my friend
Dad Jokes
This is a community for sharing those cheesy “dad” jokes that invoke an eye roll or chuckle.
- Clean jokes only please. If you cannot tell this joke to a 5-year-old, you probably shouldn’t post it here. Please post edgier jokes to !unclejokes@lemmy.world
- Must post text, image (e.g., meme), or direct link. Do not post external links that cannot be viewed directly from the community (e.g., link to joke website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Follow Lemmy.World Code of Conduct
I love this joke.
Godamn you got me lol
Man it must have been painful waiting to drop that joke.
You waited a few months to post this, didn't ya? :p
Got me too!
Bravo. Took me longer than it should have!
You know a dad joke is a good dad joke when you angrily groan while being compelled to still upvote it.
I rage-clicked, rage-chuckled, and rage-upvoted. God dammit
No, this is Patrick
Someone's gotta make it.
You son of a
Should have written:" is this community dad "
I chuckled.
Hi dead. I’m dad
This joke should be made into an annual tradition for this sub
Post it in Mandarin in a month or so
I totally fell for this, thinking something was wrong with the client you were using. To be fair though, I just woke up.