Sequoia 😌
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I hear this photo
Tsk is an onomatopoeia for disapproval
Hmm, pst, grr, mmm, all acceptable words in Scrabble
Try, cry, pry, wry... <- Except that in these instances, Y is the vowel. Unless you're playing Wheel of Fortune, where Ys are always counted as consonants and cost nothing to play.
Hmm, not sure if there are.
Rhythm technically
In rhythm, y functions as a vowel, as it makes a vowel sound.
Spelling-wise? Depends on what you mean by "vowel" and "word" – vowel isn't really a term for letters/spelling, it only really makes sense in a phonemic/phonetic context. So, phonetically? Yes – i.e. words that only have a rhotic in the nucleus like "curd" which is just [kɹ̩d] in many rhotic dialects like most American English, "and" is often pronounced [n̩], "can" can be [kn̩]~[kŋ̍], "full" can be pronounced [fʟ̩] in some dialects (includinɡ mine). You can also include paralinguistic words like "shh" [ʃ̩].
I was going to post a less in depth reply along the same lines. Don't know why you're being downvoted.
I also don't get why you're being downvoted so much. Great answer.
Those aren’t really English “words” though. There’s some old welsh in there which actually used W as a double U. And then some onomatopoeia, which while defined in some dictionaries, aren’t really words anymore than abbreviations like CIA or FCC are words.
According to the Cambridge English dictionary a word is simply "a single unit of language that has meaning and can be spoken or written", so acronyms and onomatopoeia are words as much as any other apparently. Maybe they would consider an acronym multiple units of language bound together though so not itself a word.
A cwm (pronounced /ˈkuːm/) is used in English in a technical geographical or mountaineering context to mean a deep hollow in a mountainous area
I'm about to cwm.
Fun fact: In Dutch 'vowels' is the same word as is used for 'streetstones' (klinkers), so if you ask this question in Dutch, the answer is 'dirtroad'. 😅
But only if you reject the "sometimes y" clause.
I think there might be a sometimes w clause too. But any w words I can think of have a y anyway
W is a sometimes vowel in Welsh. There are a few Welsh words that are valid in Scrabble dictionaries, which is really the only metric that matters. There are also several onomatopoeias that are valid Scrabble words, like mmm or brr or tsktsks. That last one is the only 7 letter word with no vowels or sometimes vowels.
Maaan, everything is a vowel if you just Welsh it hard enough.
Y functions as a vowel in this instance
You can't just identify as a vowel.
Y can and does. You have a problem with that? Go complain on the internet.
Kyrgyz... styrn.
I honestly dont know how people come up with these answers