I hope they lock him up and throw away the key
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I dunno why someone would downvote this sentiment. This clown has been a diabetic for three decades and received nine notifications in the 50 minutes prior to the accident, letting him know his blood glucose was low.
Fucking. Irresponsible. And now five people have lost their lives, including two children.
While 2.9 is low, I've seen CGMs report values that low when in reality it's at about 5 or 6. They can do it for days on end.
Hopefully they took a blood sample at the scene and measured that.
Now I'm concerned that this idiot has ruined it for everyone else. There's already a ridiculous amount of hoops to jump through for VicRoads to hand a licence to a T1D. Yet, the bar is evidently too low for everyone else.
He was 2.9 40 minutes before the crash. I assume it went down even lower?