just testing in prod, business as usual
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Go green, only run one environment, production
You can say that again, at this point of my career I'm convinced that the concept of pre-production is a myth.
Pre-prod is equivalent to the state of Schrodinger's cat. Both there and not there at the same time.
very valve of them
I don't care if it makes me sound like a grumpy old man, but I really miss the old sales where stuff would be steeply discounted for like an hour and then would go back to a normal discount. All the sales now are basically Black Friday bullshit type sales
Yeah, same. 90% discount is really a steal back then, but then i guess it makes sense because these sort of flash sales is only advantageous for people on one side of the planet and the other side will never get to see any sales.
I agree to a point. I also miss the excitement of those flash sales, but they were probably predatory--like gambling or FOMO--and I greatly prefer the modern game return policies---arguably what killed off those flash sales--which I can enjoy all-year round.
I remember running to the bathroom at work constantly to check the flash sales
Is the winter sale better than the sales happening right now? There are some games that I’m eyeing but I don’t know if it makes sense to wait to get them now. For example the devil may cry HD edition of the ps1/ps2 era.
You can check with steamdb for the past sales:
Here it says the discount is always the same for the past year, so you can expect the price for this sales will be the same as the next. Though for some game they will have discount for one sales but not the other, and some only join in for the big 4 season sales. If the price is right for now, just get it.
Not usually. Most games have a regular price, and a sale price. That sale price is the same every sale now that flash deals are gone.
But nobody can truly predict the future.
If you're patient, many games' sale prices slowly get bigger over time.
I've been holding off on the most recent sales just in case something on my wishlist is even slightly cheaper during the Winter Sale.
I, probably like most Steam customers, still have unplayed games from previous sales. I definitely don't need to add to that even though I'm itching to try Dave the Diver and more. I can wait 12 more days.
I really love the steam sale's artwork
Bought the Witcher 3 @ 75% off this week. That'll have to last me til then.
if it doesn't, just start the new game+
Keeping an eye out for baldours gate 🤞