Brain! Commence weird dream with liminal bathrooms that for some reason can’t be used!
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I get this every time!
Damn I also get those dreams.
It seems like half the time there's a public bathroom in a dream, it's all dilapidated 1970s yellow and filthier than a truck stop. And/or the stall bottom comes right up to the toilet seat.
Except for when the bathrooms are open for business, then it's trouble time
Oooooh, yeah, I know those! It's either that or somebody would be watching. And by 'watching' I mean like stare you dead in the eyes while you... Well, it's a nightmare!
(Srsly, does this count as a nightmare?)
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I'm a simple guy. I see a The Picard Maneuver meme, I upvote 👍
honestly, can't think of another organ I'd like to have more responsibility for waking up. Ears and brain are paranoid fuckers.
Meanwhile, in the background the bowel lurks
Why the fuck would the lips have any say in it
But saying is most of what they do.
Stop making good points
You trained hard to wake up as a child. Bladder would happily empty while you were asleep if that's what you really wanted.
The brain is still waking you up, you'd have a wet bed otherwise.
"Psst! Hey brain, I'm about to make them piss themself. Might wanna wake 'em up."
And it's always an hour and a half before I actually need to wake up, no matter what that time may be and no matter if I change that time every day lol
As a person who lives with diabetes insipidus, the bladder is the cruel emporer who dictates all.
I’m developing a new type of smoke alarm that acts on your bladder instead of your ears. Just a few more kinks to work out.
Hey! Some of us are not yet 45