Day 19 of The Diet round 2. So far I have lost -2kg. It looks like I'm going to have to take drastic measures. I think I might have to actually eat less food. Apparently just saying I am on a diet and committing to losing weight is not enough to manifest that result into reality. Disapointing.
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Smaller plates and/or bowls. So what looks like a full meal is actually less food, but still has all the nutrients in proper balance.
Alas, buying a smaller frock or a set of weights that sit in the cupboard doesn’t work either. This manifesting stuff is nonsense.
-2 kg in 19 days is pretty good. Don't eat less. What you need to do is strength or resistance training 2 or 3 times a week so when you are resting you continue to burn calories.
no, I've not lost 2kg, I've lost -2. A negative and a negative = a positive. I've gained 2kg 🤣
I think you're doing well. I find there's either 2 scenarios which occur. In the first, the initial few kilos are hard to budge and then it starts really happening, then frustratingly it plateaus. In the second, the first few kilos melt off and then it's a bastard to lose the next few, and then it frustratingly plateaus 😆. I've learnt that I'm good all year but then my birthday happens in mid October and I turn into a bear preparing for hibernation from then until after Xmas. I don't know whether to embrace or fight it.
Does anybody else get weirdly offended when Americans call pizza a pie?
Yes. It's not a fkn pie; it's a pizza! A pie is a pastry, pizza is L I F E
I've set up a budget friendly meals post in ! If you could contribute that would be great. Thanks.
What I like about the warmer weather. Using the clothes line more, BBL, Christmas pudding, mince pies, BBQs, eating icecream for dinner.
What I dislike. Wildlife in the house, hordes of people shopping for Armageddon, sweaty crotches, burning skin, salads, hot car.
Yes! Love how the warmer weather lets us show off our BBLs. 💅
Gotta shake it so the world knows 🍑
I like the perfect days when you want neither heating or aircon. Open the windows and let fresh air in. And being outdoors more, the mood lift that comes from seeing sun and blue sky, gardens in bloom, and mangoes and stone fruits. Things I don’t like are the car parks at shopping centres, bake your skin off 40C days, and flies.
I prefer fuel injection, it makes for better throttle response and fuel efficiency
Slabs smashed, holes backfilled and we also got His Lordship's hammock frame back together in a grove under the apple trees so there goes getting him to do anything for the rest of the summer
Bats took up residence in the huge eucalyptus out the back a few weeks ago. Now there are hundreds of them every night, making that creepy chattering sound and flying around in circles doing their bat thing. The dog does not like them.
Did they ever show Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman here in Australia? I stumbled across a reference to it and am bathed in nostalgic memories of watching it after school as a young kid in the early to mid 90s. I forgot most of it except Sully, and that the doctor and him were in love and had their own baby in the end.
Yes they did. It was on Saturdays.
Was a nice day to get out fam…
This cat is so funny. She was doing her jumping up on a wardrobe door thing to get my attention, and led me to what she wanted... the sun only starts to slant into the house at around 3pm and it was a few handwidths from coming in. She wanted me to bring the sun to her faster.
Big game on tonight guys. India vs Australia for the Cricket World Cup.
ooof smashing up the last of that concrete in this sun is some real prison labour shit.
Day 36/70: First day of week 6 weigh-in.
Down 1.0kg. Well, I'm finally half-way and still dropping weight despite not riding one day and having fast food for dinner last night. I haven't expected to maintain the 1kg/week this long. Expecting the plateau any week now.
Haven't been awesome. One of my kitties has had some health issues (they suspected skin infection but after shaving and testing they're not sure...) so she's home and pissed off, and my other cat doesn't recognize her because she was bathed and shampooed so she's being hissy....
But in general a bit off. I'm kinda burnt out with work, and a little burnt out relationship-wise*. It's been a long week.
*Would prefer to talk 1:1 vs. publicly about it
I just watched “The Creator” by Gareth Edwards. Top shelf sci-fi. Fucking mint. 4.5/5
Some things I am grateful for today:
- antihistamines
- sunshine
- Sundays
- no plans
- salt
- avocado
- jif
Sitting at a winery out in Myrniong sipping a CC & Dry listening to some old bloke singing with his acoustic guitar on this sunny Sunday. It's very much not crowded at all, it's pretty quiet actually. This is comfortable as fuuuuck. Let's cull like 65% of the population so we can have nice things like this all over the place!
Edit: look out he's got his harmonica out! This just got excellent.
Well I've put on about 6 kg since my birthday. As I said in another comment, I'm good all year until my birthday to Xmas. Those 2½ months become a gorgefest of gluttony. I don't know whether to fight it or embrace it. Maybe I'm banking all my treat days 😆
I've been pretty busy tho. Work's been pretty physical and also this weekend I've been tearing the flat apart and rearranging and deep cleaning it while I look for a library book the Elder received a notice from school about, which we're both sure he returned. If we don't find it they say they won't let him graduate. From primary school 🤨 Last time this happened he was a prep, and they refused to let him borrow for weeks. They sent home 3 letters about it, I turned the flat upside down, and they found it sitting on the library shelf, where it had presumably been the whole time! Good excuse to deep clean the flat, throw out a couch (was lighter than I expected 💪) and arrange things more suitably. Mr P can't really do these things anymore, too much strain on the back.
Does the school principal have a history of working at Centrelink with the robodebt scheme? Threatening an excessive punishment against someone you hold a great deal of power over, for a minor transgression you allege with no real proof or path of appeal, sounds very familiar.
it’s their secret plot to get you to deep clean and rearrange the school library
Just shaved Boyo’s hawk back in for him. Pretty sure any professional would be horrified, but he’s happy…
I'll be sad that a lot of people died.
Assuming I wasn't already hit before Melbourne. Perth has a Naval base, an Air Force base and SAS barracks. It's a legit military target.
Edit: just realised I didn't reply to the question. Oops! No wonder people were confused.
Nath are you talking about our hypothetical hydrogen bomb scenario or do you know something that we don't?
Took the kids on the train to [Perth's Frankston] this afternoon. The oldest kid is the biggest train nerd, and they're shutting down the line at midnight to do a level crossing removal/track elevation thing for a couple of years. Armadale is dead: walking through its shopping center during trading hours, and without a lie, 90% of the stores were closed. It was surreal. Now it is about to lose its train line.
A nuclear bomb strikes at CBD Myer area. Chaos ensues. You have minutes to evacuate. What are you doing, where are you going?
Eh, probably just die quietly in a park. Too much effort fighting Melbourne traffic.
I'd go to the underwear section.
I will have died instantly due to proximity, I will likely not be doing much or going anywhere.
Stuck in this weird limbo where I'm really not sure if my arm is fractured or not, some of my symptoms match those of a fracture but the swelling and the bruising aren't there yet. I'd also be naturally relieved if there wasn't a fracture but because I've been taking care of my arm, the idea that it's not there makes me feel like I've been dramatic. It doesn't make sense but it's just me trying to process it all. I also realise if it isn't fractured I still would have to miss some work and that's frustrating, might as well just be fractured to justify the time off. lol.
I think my washing machine is a bit stinky. Might try one of those washing mashing cleaners. I’ve done vinegar washes before that have some success, but maybe the proper stuff might be more thorough? I always leave the door open after washing so it dries out, but for some reason it still get musty over time.
Got a bit wasted last night at a gig (well, before the gig pints were $15) was out the front and bummed a rollie off someone. Some dude saw me rolling, came up and tried to sell me a 25g pouch of champion ruby $25. His opening line was 'I just went through duty free and have quit' and proceeds to pull out 5 pouches. Obviously stolen goods.
I only smoke occasionally but damn that was a good deal. only had a $50, dude had change. And thought even if it's counterfeit currency I'm still $17 ahead.