A community dedicated to fediverse news and discussion.
Fediverse is a portmanteau of "federation" and "universe".
Getting started on Fediverse;
- What is the fediverse?
- Fediverse Platforms
- How to run your own community
This one is S-tier!
It's a name I came up with a while ago and still like it as it avoids the need to start with "Fedi" and has an appropriate double meaning. Plus, in this context, it handily starts with a "W".
Nice one!
Bouncing off this idea as well, Well-versed is good for referring to the Fed-universe, and Well-Feds can be used to refer to featured (individual) communities/feeds?
Good one.
The Fedi-Files
*Maybe don't go with that one, it sounds like a show Chris Hansen would host
All Things Distributed
Getting major NPR vibes from this one!
What about "We Fedicast"?
"Fediverse: alternative social media"
Or something
Make it somewhat findable and discernable. Including to the 99.9999999999% of people who dont get the jokes.
Make an adaptation of the "Regular Expressions" show (cc @drq@mastodon.ml)
@CyberTailor @deadsuperhero Yep. That's where we basically (the RuFedi) gather regularly every two weeks to express ourselves via the mic and video. We tell stories, discuss news, show our work, and announce projects.
The point of the show, it MUST be done as a live stream (no post-production unless absolutely necessary), regularly, with AT LEAST TWO people (no matter who) leading the show. The episode MUST happen, come Hell or high water.
The stake? The show itself.
If there's only one person, or everybody skips the episode entirely, then the episode didn't happen, and the show is over.
We've been doing this for 2,5 years already, thanks to @th3rdsergeevich and other folks. It's been great.
Come Together? Ooh, might sound a little focused on NSFW instances.
Join Or Die may be too American.
Fedi McPodFace?
(I find myself out...)
We the Fedipeople
What about "The Verse"?