Hi! I am trying to automate my install process by creating a json file that can be used by archinstall
(example). One of the example shows how you can run custom commands to get paru
, but written in Rust):
"custom-commands": [
"cd /home/devel; git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git",
"chown -R devel:devel /home/devel/paru",
However, their example doesn't provide any further information about installing packages with paru. I would like to install some stuff just for my user.
My idea was the following:
- using archinstall, install everything according to the config
- disregard the "custom-commands" option in the config and create a separate custom script
- get all the users from the system and allow user to choose which one to chroot as
- run all commands as the chosen user ( e.g., install Rust with
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
I need to install a few packages that are not in the official repository, as well as moving my dotfiles in /home/user/.config and making sure everything is accessible by that user. If there are any better approaches to this, I would be glad to hear them!
An example of the script I am planning to use after running archinstall:
# Find all users on the system
for user in $(ls /home); do
if [ "$user" != "lost+found" ]; then
# If there is more than one user, ask which user to install for
if [ ${#users[@]} -gt 1 ]; then
echo "Multiple users found on system. Please select a user to install for:"
select user in "${users[@]}"; do
if [[ " ${users[@]} " =~ " ${user} " ]]; then
echo "Invalid selection"
echo "Installing for user $user"
# chroot as the user
arch-chroot -u $user /mnt/archinstall # This only opens bash, but I am working on it :D
cd /home/$user
# Install paru
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git
cd paru
makepkg -si
# Install stuff with paru
paru -S tlrc --noconfirm