I think you'll like trocador.app
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
Android (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
iOS (Cake Wallet) / (Monero.com)
Instance tags for discoverability:
Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
If you want to support monero.town without paying any extra, consider using this link when swapping via trocador :D
I didn't know about this! Thank you! I especially like that it has a "payment" option. Putting in the number of coins that I need to receive has been a huge issue for me in the past! Will definitely be trying this out!
Well for that pair still only fixedfloat and changenow on their. Both don't support Tor
trocador.app supports XMR <-> USDT (TRC20) or (ERC20), and other networks, and other stablecoins. And it supports Tor and i2p.
Great! Just found out it's purpose and function. It's great
Have you heard about Trocador? http://trocadorfyhlu27aefre5u7zri66gudtzdyelymftvr4yjwcxhfaqsid.onion/en/
I haven't used it for XMR-USDT but for BTC-XMR pairs. It seems like it has the pair you want, though.
It also has a Tor Hidden Service, which you can use completely anonymously.
Sideshift used to be my go to place to swap, them removing XMR is such a pain. I guess theoretically I could do XMR --> BTC and send the BTC to the sideshift deposit address, but that really seems like a huge pain, I imagine the fees would be crazy too.
I've been lucky to where most the places I buy from either accept Monero or accept an easy to swap to token like BTC, LTC and DOGE, but I have come across one or 2 exchanges which only accept "stable coins". With sideshifts removal of XMR this will be an even bigger challenge.
.maybe stealthex.io?
Both stealthex.io and simpleswap.io work great for Monero swaps indeed
Check out the services on kycnot.me, there are a ton, some good some not and tye maintainer of that site is really good at helping you understand the details
intercambio.app is also an option