regex101 is great for building up regex expressions
weve also got a regex community in the instance at ! with some stuff in it
The most dangerous community
(Sanitize your inputs, kids) is interactive to get you started.
Then try reading maybe the python regex docs for more detailed info. There are multiple flavors of regex as well, which makes it even more confusing (yay), but you'll eventually grok it enough to make it a part of your toolbox! I use simple regex frequently for search/replace (VScode or vim), and in the shell.
For more complex string parsing operations, there's often a faster/better method than regex, but it's really good to know.
This isnt really a resource as such, but an interesting game that effectively nerdsniped my whole team:
I just discovered that doesn't have a regex track...
Well, I'll be...
: )
RegexBuddy is an oldie software that gives you all the tools you'd ever need for working with regex. It has a wonderful tutorials section which I have found very interesting despite my years of experience in the subject! In practice I've been using Regex101 for years and with the introduction of an actual debugger it's feature complete, as far as I'm concerned. But I'd still recommend checking out RegexBuddy material. Very deep stuff.