wait no
how do you pronounce God, goo, grey, great, good, gun, gumption, goofy
plus jif is peanut butter
While I agree with you on how it should be pronounced, not a good argument. Giraffe.
I agree with you but I have a simpler argument, which is the mere fact that this exists: https://fileinfo.com/extension/jif
u choose all these unrelated words when theres GIFt
Yiff obviously
gif. With a hard g, because there is also .jiff and you could not distinguish otherwise.
The fact that this conversation exists is proof that the word is intuitively pronounced with a hard G.
The only reason to pronounce it like a J if because the creator liked it - and the reason he liked it was literally because of the (copyright-infringing) similarity to the peanut butter.
He made a huge contribution to the Internet by creating the format, and he deserves it gratitude. Mispronouncing gif is not the best approach to that.
I don't think there's any real argument here. So I turned this into a meme.
I hate this argument so I'm going tip start pronouncing it like the Dutch G or the Spanish J and you won't be able to tell which it is because I speak neither language.
Like a sane person. Why do you ask?
It's not jraphics interchange format
neither do divers use "self contained OOnderwater breathing apparatus", usually written as SCUBA.
Nor do we say jPHeg files.
Nor "north AYYtlantic treaty OHHrganization"
or "light AYYmplification by stimulated emnssion of radiation"
New one I just became aware of:
How does everyone say SQL?
I go back and forth between "Ess Cue Ell", "Sequel", and "You Fucking Whore"
This is what we do at work.
My dad has used SQL forever and calls it "Sequel."
It's an initialisation, not an acronym, so it's only:
Surely anything else is madness
Depends on the context
MySQL: my es que el
SQL Server: sequel Server
PostgreSQL: Postgress
or by itself just es que el
I call it sequel but I've heard squirrel and squeal.
Jpeg should be pronounced gaypeg whenever someone else chooses to pronounce gif as jif. Change my mind.
I pronounce it 'yiff'.
This stupid fucking argument is proof humans will never achieve world peace
heef, spanish style
Death to America
With a hard "guh" sound, because that's what I grew up with.
Imagine talking in a language where people cant decide how words are pronounced
Gif. Obviously.
Or you can pronounce it "heef" as in Spanish, just saying
"Choosy developers choose gif."
Gif. The G is for Graphic
Yes, that's why we pronounce JPEG as Jay-Pheg.
I just read it as it appears, phonetically, like any other word. Gif.