Man, can't wait to fly this one! Just waiting for it to appear somewhere else besides the in-game marketplace.
I think I remember reading on their Discord and on the MSFS forums that FlightFX does not intend on making the VJet and HJet available elsewhere, which is a shame. I also wanted to get it outside of Marketplace but I caved after seeing it on sale a few months back.
It's a fantastic addon and got so much better with the update to its G3000 FMS. Navigraph and Simbrief integration make flight planning a breeze and you can even automate visual approaches now, very useful in the regions I fly this jet because even the bigger international airports lack instrument approaches. The view from the cockpit is unparalleled and the EFB is packed with extras and goodies.
Weird... The HJet is available to buy currently on Contrail (, was hoping to see the VJet on there soon as well.
Surely eventually right?