I like hobbit.world
Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc.
For all things Tolkien, Lord of The Rings (LotR), and The Hobbit across all media. Speak friend and enter.
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Second that vote.
I suppose it depends on if you are focusing primarily on Hobbit or all of Tolkien's works. If the former, then hobbit.world. If the latter, then maybe tolkien.world would be a solid option as @small44@lemmy.world suggested.
Tolkien.world was already taken or I would have grabbed that.
I want the focus to be anything Tolkien, but hobbit.world feels more relaxed. Kinda leaning towards hobbit.world. I thought about ones like shire.world, but it didn't feel right.
From the two TLDs, .world
sounds like a great choice for something interest-related, like a small world that one can dive in temporarily to escape the real one. .life
could also work, but sounds more all-encompassing, perhaps more suited to something that influences the majority of your life (like a profession or a life's work).
Both hobbit
and tolkien
are good choices, like others have mentioned this can be used well to communicate the focus of the instance.
Good luck with the setup!
Either sounds cool, I like hobbit.world better (tolkien.life sounds autobiographical), good luck with setting up an instance, if that's what you're doing.
Sadly, someone else had that.