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The original was posted on /r/velo by /u/arsenalastronaut on 2023-09-28 06:04:25.
So, I love the idea of cyclocross. More friendly than road. Shorter races. Way smaller chance of a severe crash. The people are truly truly awesome.
The problem is, I'm terrible at cross racing, and can't seem to get into it.
I'm alright on the road. Like, a mid pack Cat 4.
Cross, I'm literally behind all the men and women, and most of the kids, in a "fun race." I was actually decent last year, when I was practicing a lot. I did my first race of the year this week, and was basically dead last.
I find some parts of it really hard for some reason
- It takes a bit of vigor to go hard into an off camber turn, etc. Especially when jostling for position. I just don't have that aggression.
- Even if it's just falling onto grass, I'm very risk averse in cross. I don't know why.
- Practice is actually required to even be decent, and that kind of practice isn't as fun as road rides (for me).
- Tire choice and pressure matters.
- It is at the end of the road season, where burnout is higher.
Probably sounds like a lot of rambling, but not sure if it's just me! I'm wondering if I should do something differently. But also no point forcing something I'm not enjoying!