Glad the remove ads cost is reasonable.
Wish there was an option to opt out of analytics though. I don't like that it's mandatory.
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Glad the remove ads cost is reasonable.
Wish there was an option to opt out of analytics though. I don't like that it's mandatory.
Wish there was an option to opt out of analytics though. I don’t like that it’s mandatory.
One could almost get the impression that FOSS is superior....
Just installed and switched from Jerboa. It's as fluent as Boost for Reddit. Thanks Ruben.
I just installed it too. It is fluent and stable so far, but I'm surprised there's no swipe actions for upvoting, downvoting, saving, etc like some other clients have.
I'd say my favorite Lemmy app is still Liftoff, but I'll keep testing this one out for a bit.
Waited for this to check out Lemmy! Happy to be here, feels like old times 🥲
Mostly great.
Couple issues I've found when compared to Connect.
from my inbox, tapping the ✔️✔️, doesn't clear the mail
in side bar, list of instances I'm in doesn't show if there is any "mail" in any of the accounts.
That's something that was also missing from the original boost, you'd have to open each account to check if there were notifications. I'm really hoping they bring over a similar functionality as Connect, right now I'm opening connect when I want to double check notifs
Yeah. That's really helpful with this whole multi instance groups.
Great news!
When I search, click on a post and up/down vote the post itself, the vote won't be remembered.