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The original was posted on /r/azure by /u/MadHackerTV on 2023-09-26 11:49:12.
Recently I started to plan my migration plan to Azure Entra (AD), and I don't understand how I'm going to manage my Servers.
So, for endpoints - I understand I can join them to my Azure AD domain, and then manage them with Intune.
But what about Windows Servers? right now I'm hybrid, I have some VMs on-prem and some on Azure.
Looking around, I found out that I can't actually manage my servers with Intune? I can just manage the Windows Defender policy for Servers with Intune?
What is the right approach then? I was planning on removing my DC, if I can't do that, do I need to use something like ADDS then? I think GPO is my biggest concern when it comes to "manage" my servers.
I would love to hear what is the modern way to manage on-prem / Azure Windows Servers with Azure Intra.