For some reason if people couch their hate as a religion it becomes a protected right, which is just one reason we should reverse that shit. Religion is bullshit, should be outlawed, and religious people are ignorant, abusive cowards.
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We need freedom from religion not freedom of religion
It would solve a lot of problems though.
How about this, freedom to practice your religion, but only in private places. Like a "Don't Say Doctrine" law
It's really tempting to agree to ban public displays and mention of homosexuality if we can also do so for all religion. It's a one step backwards, two miles forward situation...
I mean that's what France was going for when they banned burqas, the idea was that people are free to express their religion privately but not in public. I personally think if you're going to take people's rights to wear a certain piece of fabric in a certain way away like that, the ends definitely don't justify the means.
I kind of always thought that's why the first amendment said there should be no national religion
In my experience, religious institutions are ignorant, abusive cowards.
Nah, so are the people. If people weren't such ignorant cowards, they wouldn't use religion as an excuse to be abusive.
There are billions of people privately practicing/ believing their religion and not bothering you with it, while there are only a couple thousand of institutions/ powerful people using it to abuse people.
Religions should be left out of politics, but people are still allowed to say/ believe what they want in their own space. (I'm not religious btw)
It's those billions of people quietly using their votes to put people in power who make life harder for so many people.
Religion should be left out of politics, but rarely ever is because all those religious people want their religion to inform political decisions. And that's true whether they admit it or not.
I think most religious people are victims themselves. Problem is they don't realize it, so they just perpetuate it and the cycle continues.
Most religious books tell you to kill religious people, people with a different religion that is
Most religions agree with all atheists with the exception of whatever god they happen to believe in.
I grew up in a Christian school, and they taught us how ridiculous Mormonism is -- calling it a cult. Same for Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists... There was a whole curriculum for it in our Bible class.
We spent months talking dog shit about all the other religions while unironically praising our own dogma. My school taught that the King James Bible is 100% literal. LOL
They even told us Catholicism is basically a cult, but it's too big to call it one.
If bashing other sects of your own religion as a required school activity doesn't sum up some major of problems with Christianity, I don't know what does.
i remember joshua(?) book explicitly calling for the razing and cursing of the towns they conquered.
Can they at least not use a corpse nailed to some pieces of wood as a symbol.
It's ok, he's a Middle Eastern Jewish Socialist, their symbols represent Christians perfectly.
Damn tree-nailing hippies!
They're just showing what they would do to other Jews if they could get away with it.
To our Jewish comrades, I hope you have had a meaningful Yom Kippur.
To any Christians reading, why aren’t you fasting? Didn’t Jesus say not even the smallest part of law was abolished?
I want to be stoned to death.. 🌴💨
why was same sex marriage and cannabis often legalized at the same time? because if a man lies with another man they should be stoned...
I don't have a book that says so, but I'm all for throwing religious extremists off of tall buildings.
I prefer volcanos. Less cleanup.
Good point.