This is a bit selfish but I’m bummed about this upsurge in ticks because it’s put such a damper on plans to go hiking etc.
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Pick up some Icaridin mosquito repellant! It works great and, unlike DEET, doesn't interact with synthetic materials.
Do mosquito repellants work against ticks or horse flies?
They do!
Thanks for the tip. Any particular brand you would recommend? I’ve bought DEET before but otherwise not really familiar with this stuff.
No brand in particular. OFF! has their usual aerosol cans in a compact format. Decathlon sells some regular spray bottles that also work. It's easier to get a good spread with aerosol.
You'll be fine. If you're going into the bush just make sure you use some insect repellant and wear long sleeves with pants. Ensure the pants can be tied off at the ends or tuck them into your socks. Spray yourself in DEET. Enjoy the hiking, it's a great season for it.
Would also be nice if they brought back Public Health testing of ticks for disease