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The original was posted on /r/usenet by /u/Batchman2 on 2023-08-29 02:17:12+00:00.
Don't get me wrong, Newshosting is wonderful. Great prices, and quite good for completion. But recently I have been running into times and places where for certain dates, a lot of bits of things are missing. So I'm wondering if I can get word of a really good back-up service that has different servers than Newshosting, for times Newshosting is missing articles.
Also wondering about other good ways to look for things that just doing searches on Newsbin Pro, which is sometimes hit or miss. (Search for something 20 times in slightly different ways, and eventually what I am looking for might show up, when earlier searches should have turned it up.) So would also love to hear of other good places to search.
Sadly, binsearch has been being of less and less help in the recent past, frequently not turning up anything at all.
Any advice or suggestions?