Hesitant to get started with Starfield. My instincts say that with Bethesda optimisations and bugs are rolled out after month 2. So I'll probably hold off until then
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Yeah I'm going to wait a week or so for the general publics reviews. Everything has been pretty positive so far, but I've been enjoying BG3 so there's no rush on my part.
Been playing the torrent version. It's only crashed once, when fast traveling.
Its significantly less buggy than previous bethesda gameworks titles. I think i have about 25 hours in the game, only CTD once. Physics bugs are significantly fewer. There still exist animation bugs through,
Example i had, where npc kept steping foward in a conversation
Ignore the color filter, have reshade on and I dont use its dedicated screenshot button. Not indicative of what I see
Just finished diving into the first few missions of the game and I love it.
I've been making sure to really give myself time to take in the world and the characters as I play. As someone who has watched/read a LOT of sci-fi, I feel right at home in the Starfield universe.
Excited to adventure more tomorrow...