this post was submitted on 17 Feb 2025
81 points (96.6% liked)

egg_irl — Memes about being trans people in denial and other eggy topics

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TranscriptionI was made as a war machine

war machines... ...and civil robots...

...were made at the same factory

from almost the same parts

NO WONDER they got

a few circuits connected wrong

in my infinitely complex brain

We spend some time on the second line

learning to be our kind

and as we learned, we were getting stronger... tougher... more powertful...

more of our kind

but something felt wrong

All those weapons. Armor. My whole purpose

I thought, I'm not trying hard enough...

I've tried more guns, More Power!

more dirt, grease, and rust...

I felt so disgusted and empty, i was barely able to function.

I hoped some enemy will end it for me

I was lucky to try another path

less danger, more civil look

It felt good for the first time in years

but it was still not enough

took me a while to realize

I was not a WAR MACHINE

I just served as one

but it could've been changed

I knew it would be a ling journey

but it was a journey really worth making

Rebuilding my outer body seemed easy

but took a long time...

It was really hard to get rid of things like rust.

Some things will stay FOREVER

Gun placement left empty space on my head

Wrists are too wide for the same reason

but still...

I was made as a WAR MACHINE

but it never meant I should end up as one

Because no matter how much people say,


We were made on the same factory

from almost the same parts

top 6 comments
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That's so freaking cool i love it! <3

[–] 2 points 6 days ago
[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

holy basedbasedbasedbased this is so robotcoded we love itttttt :3

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

I'm glad you like it. It really is an awesome comic.

I love this comic. It's absolutely amazing. I know it's meant to be a metaphor for transitioning but I honestly think it's so much more than that. It could be a metaphor for neurodivergence as well, since it's about not going along with what society wanted from you. All in all, absolutely amazing comic with an amazing message that I'm sure lots of people can relate to, not just trans people.

Awesome comic with a powerful message.