The only primate who deserved that sort of treatment was Harambe
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Where does the thumbnail come from? I wouldn't have chosen WW2 martial law Japan to represent authoritarianism but ok. I feel there are plenty more modern examples.
The image made with cards in the crowd is of Park Chung-hee, South Korean dictator in the sixties and seventies.
Fun Fact: he was such a fascist he got assassinated by the Korean CIA with American CIA help!
Do you know how fucking fascist you have to be that two CIAs want to kill you??
Well, not very. Park was distancing Korea from American dominance so obviously he had to go.
The image is from the Wikipedia page.
Honoring South Korean President Park Chung-hee in Army Parade at Armed Forces Day on 1 October 1973
Thanks. I looked at the page to find it didnt see it. I didnt see it was SK either. Im a dumbass