All I get is a static page. Wonder what privacy-violating scripts they're running.
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Maybe you have JavaScript disabled?
uBlock is not reporting anything weird and the network tab resources for the browser's dev tools show nothing suspicious. Combing over the JavaScript sources with the dev tools also show no privacy concerns on fingerprinting.
The posted link is using a FOSS project called markmap ( and the project looks solid from what skimming I did.
Yeah its some dumb line interactive line graph would be better as a static html info page. But also its a dumb graph overall
Saying something is "dumb" is too nebulous to derive any meaning. Could you elaborate more? If you have the technical chops/insight to provide critique or even alternative recommendations then that could really help to etify the community. These kinds of convos are great for understanding privacy better.
Edit: all bark and no bite. How unfortunate as I was hoping to learn something.
That's a lot of words coming from Kowalski! 😁
Now where's the dynamite?
I'm partially onymous. should increase my privacy a little more, i'm being very, very risky.