heres my link:
and hash: 48da6d06cfc54487fd1560ff6bba6e81185457bfb8baf3f09a0f41368ad22442
Community for pre-compiled APKs of the latest versions of Youtube ReVanced.
F.A.Qs for builds are available here -
These will solve a lot of your issues and I recommend going through them even if you don't have any problems.
The original patches and integrations on the official Youtube APK (which I download from APKMirror), are from the repos (revanced-patches & revanced-integrations) linked here but I use the modified version by YT-Advanced who offers some more customisations while compiling, the source code of which are available on the repos linked on their Github profile.
ONLY the Github repos, and any websites linked there are official, trust NOTHING else if you're looking to compile yourself.
Subreddit at r/revancedapks AND r/myrevancedapks
heres my link:
and hash: 48da6d06cfc54487fd1560ff6bba6e81185457bfb8baf3f09a0f41368ad22442
no virustotal this time :-) why ? was a great way to confirm the file hoster did not tamper witht he apk.
unfortunately this version has a issue. every now and then, Android displays a pop up "app not responding". but the app functions perfectly, even while the message appears. android falsely thinks the app is not working for some reason. no offense, i am so thankful that you do this work for us, and i want to support, by reporting potential issues, to make this app experience the best possible for everyone.
in case somebody is reading this. tried the latest build from driftys github page.
this runs flawless. no errors whatsoever. i ran the app literally the whole night, no issues.
if anyone experienced problems with this version try this it works perfectly for me.
many many thanks drifty for your work, you are a lifesaver.