So apparently the whole protest is about a cover up? I guess I'm just not sure what the end goal for these protests are
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Justice? A kid was allegedly murdered and the crime ignored / covered up. In the right situation, that's all you need. See George Floyd as an example.
it wasn't very well explained from the article, especially since it seemed to hint that a fellow schoolmate might be involved. Never mentioned the cops taking part so I just don't see why they would bother trying to cover things up
Yeah.. I think that's the point.
I don't understand but I'm not well versed in Chinese societal problems so I'll leave this to others
Prior to his death, Dang had been woken up in the night by other students chatting in his dormitory, their statement said. He got into an argument and altercation with a boy, which was resolved by a school official.
This is actually pretty interesting. I wonder if whoever pushed him off the roof is part of a wealthy family or something similar.