We are watching the preparatory steps to another genocide in this country. As far as I'm concerned any action taken to fight this is in self defense and morally correct.
Albuquerque, NM
- Try not to do anything we need to make a rule about. It will be named after you.
Arm the unhoused
I get that homelessness is a very real problem, both in the city, and in the country as a whole. Because a sadly high percentage of the homeless population has mental health and or substance abuse problems, the areas around the camps tend to have crime issues.
But making it illegal to be unhoused is not the answer. What we need is to put more resources into helping those folks. Criminalizing it isn't going to get them off the streets.
So it's officaly illegal to be homeless in Albuquerque now.
I was at city council. They are chosing a new food court contractor for the sunport. They stacked public comment about the sunport. Some people had to wait until midnight to make a public comment on the ordinances that banned public camping. I've seen that they started doing sweeps since Monday.