With winetricks you can install all the missing fonts.
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Thanks. I'll look into it and see if that works
Looks like you need winetricks to install CJK_fonts.
This is what fixed it, thank you. It must be that although the game is in English, it's using the English characters from a Japanese font and character pack. Now I know what the issue is, playing these games on the Deck is more possible
First of all, yes it's a hentai game. You can believe it's ~~for~~ my girlfriend or not.
No judgement bud. Nothing to add but a bit of cheekyness.
Also you can copy windows fonts if you have windows installed. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Microsoft_fonts#Using_fonts_from_a_Windows_partition
Adding to what others have already said, might be worth checking if Lutris has the game on their database, as it often comes with fixes that way. Even if it doesn't, it's definitely easier to manage the prefix and everything else later on if you install the games through it. Bottles is another option, although more minimalist.
That's a good point. I've had Lutris installed but never really explored it. I'll check that out too
@tombruzzo @linux_gaming In particular when trying to run games in Japanese I've had to manually download windows fonts and place them in the right location for text to display properly.
Here's the guide I used to fix this: https://learnjapanese.moe/vn-linux/#fonts-do-not-look-right
Thanks. I'll look into this as well. The game is in English but coming from a Japanese developer could cause the same problems
with MagicSetEditor a similar problem. i manually installed the fonts to, uh, somewhere
I know this trick, still searching where i put those damn fonts