For White I like Nine Tails but mono Green Omnath is a classic too
MTG: EDH / Commander
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Assuming you mean 8 1/2 tails for white correct? That does seem like a fun build around commander with unique abilities. You have piqued my interest thank you.
I recently built a mono-white with Sephara, Sky's Blade. It has lots of low mana cost flyers to get and keep Sephara out. It's pretty fun.
This seems like another fun commander. Gives me feels of Derevi constantly cheating the commander tax.
I have a midrange mono white deck using Giada, font of hope. I need to make it more competitive though.
[[Sram, Senior Edificer]]
[[Radagast the Brown]]
[[Yeva, Nature’s Herald]] is a fantastic mono green commander that plays like a blue deck. Flash on all your green creatures is very strong. Keep mana open to protect your board and interact and just before your turn flash in your haymakers.