Got drunk and danced at a company event.
It is very hard to type now.
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Got drunk and danced at a company event.
It is very hard to type now.
Danced? Jesus this feels like an overachievement to me ๐ not even joking, I feel so fucking uncomfortable dancing in public
Unimaginable feat, good job.
Unimaginable feet as well Iโd bet! At least based on my drunk dancing abilities.
Now that is something I can never dream of doing. Not just because of the publicness of it, also because I don't understand what dancing is, achieves, or allows. And yet I see people having an absolute ball doing it.
So, mad props to you
Thanks! It helped to get absolutely smashed and be abroad mostly surrounded by people I would never see again. Dunno how to really dance either, but just big movement versions of swaying to music like I do at home is passable.
heh, nice
After struggling with shit jobs for 10 years due to failing at University, I finally landed my dream job this year, working in my local newspaper's IT department as Linux admin. It's unionized, with a 35 hour work week, 42 days of paid vacation, double the pay of my former job, good benefits, interesting tasks, great team and low stress.
More recently, I figured out what was sapping my motivation at home was how chaotic and cluttered it was. I threw out everything I haven't used in the past 2 years, tidied up and deep-cleaned the entire house. And I got into the habit of actually looking around and dealing with things that need to be done or aren't in their proper place right away.
It massively improved my mood and energy levels, and I feel proud and happy every time I come home and see that everything is in order.
I got forced into getting rid of loads of stuff when I ended up homeless and sofa surfing for a while. When I got my own place again I really like not having heaps of junk ill never use and have tried to keep my home minimal since. Obviously I have stuff, but I try to really think about what I 1) buy, do I really need or want it, and 2) keep.
Congrats on the job, sounds fun!
Hell yeah!
I got the platinum trophy in Armored Core 6. Only 6% of players have done that. Though it's interesting that 0.2% more players have the S Rank all missions trophy and that's the hardest one to get. The "all trophies" trophy should be a cake walk if you've already S ranked everything.
After being told we would never, as a generation, be able to own a home - We bought a fucking new house.
Its currently still being built.
Not sure if it's really an accomplishment but I got out of a burnout that started in January. I've been in and out of burnout before but this time I set some personal boundaries and requested and received some accommodations from work. Now I feel better set up to maintain work-life balance.
Ended a toxic relationship. Learning to love myself and live alone again.
Congrats on a life changing accomplishment!
Hey thanks, it's one day at a time.
I managed to install proxmox and integrated a vm successfully :)
Closed a 37km, 2700m positive gain, trail run in the Alps. Very technical, with added bonus of fresh snow (top point was 3100m) and past heavy rains so that many fixed ropes where necessary on the paths.
Finished in 7h 50min, never felt better. And worse, at the same time :)
Huge smiles and tears at the same time.
Loving myself because I spent many years hating myself and life. 2019
I finished bomb rush cyberpunk. I'm terrible at finishing things, specially if I like them, so it takes some effort (game is amazing BTW).
I finally got diagnosed with ASD Level 1 last summer, and this summer I drove over 2000 miles from DFW to PDX. I spent over 40 years in Texas, and escaping that hellhole is no longer a dream. It is a reality that I manifested, and I super proud of myself for making it happen.
Congrats! I escaped Houston a couple of years back and I know how hard that can be!
Made a webcam, programmed an e ink wrist watch to make it look sexy (notosans), and about to finish the last novel in le guins hainish cycle
Which e ink wristwatch are you using?
Watchy, it was a pain to get started as I ended up with a v2 and the docs only apply for the v3 but I figured it out in the end
@BackOnMyBS I finally figured out how to properly communicate when I'm confused about someone's behavior or their perception of my behavior, I've been able to get more context in conversation as well as avoid certain arguments due to miscommunication/misinterpretation
Congrats! I'm working on learning that. Any tips??
@BackOnMyBS It's not entirely straightforward, but I find that stating "I'm confused because you said 'x' which I interpreted as 'y' and this thing you're saying now I interpret as being 'z' doesn't seem consistent, what am I not understanding" (doesn't have to be those exact words)
Or if it's something I said I apologize for the confusion, state my intentions behind what I said, and try to say it in a different way based off how they interpreted the last thing I said
@BackOnMyBS It's been a lot of trial and error mostly, but that's my general framework, it varies by person, someone who understands autism more is usually a little easier to work with, for example
I just hit Diamond 3 in Master Duel after 2 years of stagnating in gold and plat
I know it isn't a big thing to most of you but I am being completely legitimate when I say that Master Duel may be the most complicated game I've ever played and I've played Dwarf Fortress.