Nice list! I personally use openshot, but I also do the "editing" part in it and then do the encoding manually in ffmpeg.
Linux Video Editing
Welcome! This community is focused on sharing video editing tips, tricks, best practices, and software
Some quick rules:
No trolling/grieving/being a jerk (This is subjective, but we should all be adults here)
Don't simply state that something is better in one way or another. Back it up, ideally with sources and video
Don't make a post in an attempt to make a particular program seem superior. Most of the time it's very application specific use case that makes things faster/better
Upload a text tutorial along with a video explanation if that is possible. Some videos are great, but text can be followed simply.
Do not attempt to shame someone for using other software (see rule 1)
Do not bring up how Resolve is better in a lot of aspects. We know that, and understand that. However, in many use cases Resolve simply will not run or compile.
With all of that being said - welcome to the Linux Video Editing community! The goal here is to help each other with tips, tricks, suggestions, and advice.
In my (limited) experience, different software works better for different styles of projects. Here's my personal list of software that I use for various projects which can all be easily installed from most (all?) package managers:
Kdenlive is fantastic for quick edits, though it can do a lot more (beyond the quick edits it is clunky imo). ShotCut can do cool things like motion tractking easily. Olive is fantastic for subtitles, but I absolutely would not recommend it for anything with audio.
I've always been the weird Linux user and always forget about ffmpeg because it is CLI. This post recommends a good (but limited use) GUI tool for ffmpeg. I'm just now playing around with it. Editing to add that I've used OpenShot, but the workflow style wasn't for me. I can add it, since this was a subjective list.
Yeah, agree with you, the workflow is a bit off for me too in openshot!
What about Resolve? I'm fairly new to the editing game, tried to get resolve working but it doesn't support h264...
I only listed things that I have some personal experience with. I've never been able to successfully even get Resolve running. Apparently it is very picky about hardware.
damn... Do you know if Kdenlive has audio transcription, for subtitling?