These early stage memes will stay with the platform for as long as we want.
Either a new copy pasta or a real shitpost.
These early stage memes will stay with the platform for as long as we want.
Either a new copy pasta or a real shitpost.
You mean a new response just dropped?
Or noshitpost
This will be our founding memes. Like the jolly rancher story on reddit, or the guy with the broken arm.
Can someone explain the pooping thing to me? Ive been away for a business trip for the entire week, I haven't pooped in 3 days either. Why does the person who hasn't pooped matter? What's up with these memes?
This happened:
Well, we haven't got the poop knife anymore, this will suffice.
I may have left reddit behind, but I will always carry the poop knife story with me in my heart.
wait what I think I missed something, what're you talking about?
Some dude asked how he could avoid pooping for three days for undisclosed reasons. It took off from there and birthed the Fediverse's first real original meme/copypasta. The equivalent of "Narwhal bacons at midnight" on Reddit.
We're writing shitpost history here, fellas!
Wait, how not normal is it to not shit for a few days?
I think that's considered constipation. A "normal" poop schedule supposedly ranges from 3 times a day to 3 times a week.
You're full of shit.
its beautiful
its shit
Brother i saw the og 3 day no shit post took a 1-2 day break and now there are memes about it everywhere...
Read poop post left for a few days.. now confused……. Are we not pooping!?
But it's our "thing" now.
We're the poop place.
with this being yet another post about it…
It do be happening