I can do a knee pushup now :) Still working on full pushups.
When I started back squatting my initial goal was bodyweight (225-ish) now I'm up to 265 for 3 sets of 5 and 225 is a warm up.
I started running again recently after having neglected exercise for nearly a year and worked up three miles without stopping to walk the other day.
Three miles strait having only started recently is solid
I rowed 21k meters on my rowing machine this week, which is more than double my previous distance record. I'm new to rowing and having a lot of fun with it (and seeing some results, too!)
That's some serious distance on the rower. Congrats!
The fact that I even started working out again after years. I'm keeping track of what I do every day. On day 3.
Nice work!
Thank you! Start of new week now for me. Gotta do my core today.
I just got my home gym finished after a few months off!
Congrats! What's in it?
Basic equipment, 300lbs mixed bumper weights, 35lb and 45lb Olympic bars, ezcurl bar, powerblocks, rower, resistance bands.
i've been biking back and forth from work every day for the past month! about 12 miles round trip
I didn't want to work out today but I did.
I'll try to do the same tomorrow.
I've stuck to my routine and diet for a month now, and had someone tell me that i looked healthy recently.
I did 8 pull ups in a row unassisted and then ran two miles. Feel pretty good about that.
Squatted 190KGx1 and Deadlifted 205KGx4.
Not all time PRs, but getting back to where I was ~8 years ago.
I made going to the gym a habit. Went to the gym for 25 out of 30 days in june. And I need a new belt right now, since the old one wasnt helping keeping my pants up anymore.
Nice work! You've done the hard part. As for belts, I got tired of cheap fake leather ones getting destroyed every 6 months and bought a custom made real leather belt fit to my size. It's lasted about 5 years now with another decade or two left in it. I'm a fan.
I hit a 4 plate (405lbs/183kg) deadlift for 5 reps the other day. When I finished, a fellow gym bro dapped me up and said “nice job, you’re strong.” I wasn’t really looking for compliments, but it was definitely a great feeling!
My OHP is more than what my Bench was ~8 months ago when I started working out.
>10k steps/day (on average) since half a year. Often up some hills around here. Had a few days "off" with sickness or injuries, but also other (e.g. hiking) days with multiples of that. Good for mental health, eyesight, and some (basic) conditioning.
Very good track record of going to the gym 3 times per week for a year. Few exceptions. Eating well. I can feel and see improvements, and apparently so can others. Likely in the best shape of my life so far, and let's see where we can go. I once read male fitness tends to peak around 25-27, but I'm much better now than back then and not intending to stop improving for a while still.
I did my first brick workout for a triathlon I'm training for! That was cool.
Awesome! What's a brick workout?
In this case it was a bike and a run back-to-back. In general, it can be any 2 workouts back-to-back. But generally, it means a bike then run. You use it to practice transitions, as well as helping the legs learn going from biking form to running form as it can be a weird transition for people.
I can hip thrust the equivalent of my weight now, which is cool
It's the summer of peach!