This is fun to see after scrolling past that guy screaming about vinyl being inferior
Vinyl and LPs - Analogue Music Goodness
A community discussing turntables, vinyl and the art of listening to high-fidelity music on spinning platters.
Nice haul! Love me some Modest Mouse and AFI. Every track on Sing the Sorrow is a banger for me
Oh yeah I've got the art of drowning otw too, stoked about that one as well
That one is fire as too. Picked up All Hallows EP not too long ago. Big fan of all their early, punk sounding stuff
Same! I was going back to black sails, answer that, shut your mouth a couple weeks ago.. great shit. I also have that all hallows EP, grabbed it for a Halloween party a few years back.
They've had an interesting run with many gems out there. The world could use some of their earlier sound rn haha
I've got sing the sorrow on rn man. This shit is about to get a lot of play from me for sure. My mom and I had separate copies of this CD that got ran into the ground many years ago, love this shit. Every fuckin track is heat
I’m a simple man, I see Gizz and I upvote
Hope you can get in on this tour 😏
Chicago 3 hour marathon set WHOOO
Fuck yeah boys 🤙 gorge, now Lisbon, hopefully I can make barça too
I'll forever say that Moon & Antarctica is MM's best record and "3rd Planet" is their best song
It's a damn good place to start..and once you're there, may as well let er ride
I'm not sure which album is my favorite but that one is prob contending
A different city has always been a fav of mine, standout track for sure