I'm running through the beginner's box in Foundry VTT. I picked it up on a Humble Bundle sale, and it's my group's first exposure to the system after 5e. I'm absolutely astonished with how easy the box is to run, how well polished the content is, and how awesome the system is to play and GM in.
Discussion of table top roleplaying games.
Yeah I've also been running the beginner box and the level of automation and prep that the foundry stuff includes is mind boggling. I feel like I only need to do like an hour of prep per 3-hour session
Hey. My group and I just started out with the Beginner Box and currently I am prepping the Kingmaker P2 Adventure Path. I yet have to play it as a Player though.
I love that its great at having explicit rules and codifying things that I had to come up with rulings on the fly in other Systems.
Currently running the 1e Kingmaker path, and ive only seen good things about the 2e remake. Its been the most fun me and my friends have had playing a ttrpg. Wish you guys luck!
Also more evidence on how good the Beginner Box is at bringing in new players.
Running a new group through 2e Abomination Vaults. I'm also excited to run Indigo Isles at some point, although don't have the time to do that right now. The AP looks really good though!
Happy to see pathfinder get more love the last few months
Seems like a lot of people switched over to Pathfinder recently due to all the bad shit WOTC has been pulling. Im all for it, Pathfinder and Paizo is FAR better than WoTC and 5e DnD (and whatever OneDnD is/was supposed to be). I really wanna run Abomination Vaults as well, just to try out 2e. I prefer 1e, but I 2e is a very well designed system.
I’m currently running an Eberron conversion in Pathfinder 2e, homebrew campaign, but I’m currently being seduced by D&D 3.5/Pathfinder 1e. It’s partially probably nostalgia from being the first D&D books I ever bought, but I never actually learned how to play or run it. It’s massively deep and overwhelming for me to start learning but i love the art and style as well as the massive amount of content.
Its a lot easier than you think. The easiest way to learn (at least in my opinion) is to just read. You dont have to read every word of the Core Rulebook, but at least look through it all, and definitely read the middle section about combat (aka how the game actually works). You're already playing 2e, so learning 1e shouldnt be that hard. If you need any of the books as pdf just ask, but all the rules and options are available for free on Archive of Nethys (which also has a 2e section). And the Paizo forums are great for asking questions or looking for answers.
Also Eberron is awesome. My favorite setting by far. Shame Keith Baker probably wont be able to continue writing stuff for Eberron due to WoTC.
I have to say I think I’m leaning more towards 3.5 for the flavor and a slight bit more grittiness and somewhat lower HP. But it doesn’t preclude me from moving on towards PF1e if I see rules gaps, or mixing and matching.
As a long time player of 3.5e and Pathfinder, I would go with Pathfinder. Although I love the aesthetics of 3.5e and that whole era, the balance changes that Pathfinder brought makes it more fun for everyone.
Yeah he was talking about a wild west themed "wandslinging" new area for Eberron, and now he's thinking about just making it its own thing. If anyone can make that idea work, its Keith Baker.
Can I just merge the better rules and balance changes (grappling) into 3.5?
It does seem like the explanation of rules in 3.5 may be messier than how they’re explained in PF.
when the OGL kerfuffle started we used it as the reason to switch to the pf2e system. I decided to run the troubles under Otari newbie adventure and were a number of sessions into it. So far, 30+ year RPG veterans in our group are just loving it. I don't think we'll go back to anything WoTC or Hasbro releases for some time.
I'm running an in-person Quest for the Frozen Flame campaign with Foundry for maps/bestiary. They're about to come to Rimecrag Pass tomorrow. I did have an oracle ready for Strength of Thousands but that fell through in the planning stage.
Currently in the fifth book of a 1e to 2e converted rise of the runelords campaign. First character died in a party wipe pretty early on so an ustalavian ysoki professor mastermind rogue picked up after that. Had a crazed knight of Ragathiel for a while. And right now im playing a wizard who's the father of a certain bastard that's introduced pretty early in the books.
I think a lot of us have ended up over on pathfinder.social but the beauty of the Fediverse is that you can join us there (and we can join you here)! Not sure if I linked the Lemmy instance correctly, let me know and I can try to fix it. I'm still new to all of this!