They've kinda been cranking out patches lately, and it's not like the content isn't already there. The drops are a little quick for me tho, I haven't finished any of them yet, and I didn't get the second one at all.
Helldivers 2
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I’ve been stockpiling my medals and sitting on my 1000 SC for this, so I hope they don’t delay
Warbond released
I grinded for a hour listening to a audiobook to get my 1000 super credits... So I want them to deliver the update now.... Or remove the medal cap.
I'm capped on medals so I'd prefer they release sooner than later so I can start earning more.
I think that the last few pages of the Warbond should be stupid expensive like 250 medals each. I am apparently a loser and have no life. But my ship is maxed and every Warbond is complete. Everyone I play with is in the same boat. BRING IT ON.
Game was buggy as hell this evening. They should delay the warbond and fix the real issues. I fell through my ship last night.
That's a bit of a false dichotomy. The majority of people that would be working on the warbond (marketing, artists, system designers, etc) wouldn't be able to fix whatever bug made you fall out of your ship. They should still absolutely fix the bugs and crashes and everything else but most of the effort that went into the weapons isn't going to detract from fixes and quality of life.
They have outright said that bug fixing has been difficult because they are dead set on keeping the promised warbond schedule. That definitely implies the two compete for resources, even if it isn't a complete overlap. That said, I'm not sure how delaying this warbond, which is presumably just about finished, will help that but I would prefer a delayed warbond or two if it helped clean up the issues.