Where is the last panel?
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Asking for a friend
It's been 6 months I know..
Do you still need a friend..?
(β β Λβ οΈΆβ Λβ β )β .β qβ *β β‘
Censorship is out of control these days.
The worse timeline.
Why is there no attribution? Not cool. (No, don't rub your balls in my face)
I found it as is π₯Reverse image search says it's 10 years old, but no author info π€·
It's a webcomic called Fredo and Pidjin:
Awesome, thanks!
How is the name of the rule43 community for them? π
I hate being that guy bc it is a funny joke but birds do not have penises (except ducks and some others)
Bite me
But oh boy, do they have one!
Yeah they shouldn't have one imo .
I have seen drawings that say otherwise.
Didn't you read the comic? Seagulls have enormous ones.
Which makes me really wonder... who's the one with the low IQ again?
5 more minutes of this, and I'll get really mad
That does it! Let's take this out onto the street and settle this
What other meaning could have "bite me." had in this context?
Ah! So there was a conversation before the first panell that he was refering to. Now I get it.
I've seen a similar joke on Cyanide & Happiness
Forgive Steven, he has a very low verbal IQ. [...] He just takes everything you say literally.
The author seems to be avoiding mentioning autism, but since they're trying to reduce someone's likelihood to interpret things literally as a function of IQ scores the author ends up stil referencing autism, just misrepresenting it.
It is common for autistic people to have a relatively high verbal IQ and relatively low non-verbal IQ, yet still have a tendency to interpret things literally. The cause isn't IQ at all, it's autism.