Started a new job today, a lot of it went over my head but I guess I'll get the hang of things
One of the Argentinian mechanics made BBQ for lunch, shit it good
Kia ora and welcome to !newzealand, a place to share and discuss anything about Aotearoa in general
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
Started a new job today, a lot of it went over my head but I guess I'll get the hang of things
One of the Argentinian mechanics made BBQ for lunch, shit it good
Wow! Good luck for your new job, it's a good thing to feel lost to start with. It means you're learning new skills.
You're a good man Dave
So far the highlight of my morning has been discovering that Sync supports pop out windows for specific threads and communities. It really is the little things, lol.
How do you enable that?
Settings - Post options - enable 'long press cards to open in the background'
Definitely my favourite thing about sync so far!
Amazing! I didn't even know apps could do that!
I saw it on the support community this morning and there were users who have used it for a decade who didn't know about it.
For a while every chrome tab was its own window on Android but then google ditched that concept for their own apps.
I feel like that would be an annoying implementation. Some people have hundreds of tabs. But allowing a user to create a new window when they want to, that's awesome.
A new week, hope all is OK for everyone.
Here’s the 10 day METVUW weather forecast
EDIT: Sorry, the links are corrupted
I'm really loving all these old-school-internet vibes, thanks for sharing! (Errors aside)
Weird, the page loads but none of the images load for me? Or is the forecast for broken links 😛
That's what I got too, on mobile anyway.
Just looked, and yes the images are out atm for me as well.
Just looked and both the links I initially posted had a corrupt character in them. Quite how that could happen I don’t know, maybe it was the Memmy app. I reloaded the links and they should now be working.
EDIT 1: Arrggh, still the same. I’ll edit it in a browser.
EDIT 2: Same problem with the links posting from a browser. The link includes "=rain®ion" the ampersand gets corrupted.
EDIT 3: Ha, even the text I put in the last edit got corrupted despite being in quotes. The & seems to be the issue.
Let’s try a code post type=rain®ion=nzni
EDIT 4 : Even the code post got corrupted, hmmm, not so wonderful.
Something weird happening in your links. They are getting a registered trademark symbol in them.
Edit: It does it for me too. It's not your app, I suspect it's the new security change that escapes HTML. I've tried a bunch and I give up. Edit the URL and change the ® symbol to be an ampersand and "reg" to make it region.
so & + reg gives the registered symbol.
Surely there must be a way to get the TM symbol as well?
© is & + copy
™ is & + trade
Æ & Á Â À Å Ã Ä © Ç Ð É Ê È Ë > Í Î Ì Ï < Ñ Ó Ô Ò Ø Õ Ö " ® Þ Ú Û Ù Ü Ý á â ´ æ à & å ã ä ¦ ç ¸ ¢ © ¤ ° ÷ é ê è ð ë ½ ¼ ¾ > í î ¡ ì ¿ ï « < ¯ µ · ¬ ñ ó ô ò ª º ø õ ö ¶ ± £ " » ® § ¹ ² ³ ß þ × ú û ù ¨ ü ý ¥ ÿ
I haven't worked out how to actually post the link. Just need to have users do the change themselves :(
Like this: ok it is really hard to post this as just plain text, so I will post as an image and you will see
Ah yes this makes sense. Thanks!
I learned about this today:
Man, it's been a pretty hectic week with moving and all that. A few parts of the body that are aching a bit 😂
Still haven't got Fibre internet (even though we started the process about 6 Weeks ago. The Chorus Techs came on site to do their initial scoping, and said they don't do Shared Driveways (even though we outlined everything in the application) 🤷♂️. Been a whole lot of no communication since then.
Dude sorting out shared driveway BS ended up taking almost 2 years for us.
In the end, I don't think it was even necessary, like they changed the law so that this is no longer an issue. Don't quote me on that.
I printed out a bunch of permission forms and went and talked to all the neighbours and got consent.
Then it was only a matter of more waiting.
We had the same, contacting 2 others on the drive to get their agreement. Luckily had it done back in 2019 when the initial big push to get it all installed was happening.
Oh don't do that.... You're not giving me hope haha.
It's weird. We had got all the comms saying that the consent process was underway, and then got comms saying it was all finalized and good to go, and then their contractors come around and say that.
Currently on 4G Wireless Broadband as an interim, but it's a bit of a struggle haha
Oh man, I've been visiting my parents who have 4G broadband. That shit should be illegal, I remember dial-up being more stable than that crap.
The best part is, they say the copper lines no longer available here either. Literally no other option :(
I really hate how we're all being railroaded off copper. I'm old fashioned, I like my landline to sound all warm and analogue.
I'm waiting for a flight home, now helping out the Aussies with their massive flag on Canvas. I made a post here on the Canvas community to try to encourage others to do the same.
I have a thing for nail polish. I can't help it, it's just OOONEWCOLOURLETSGOOOO. I got two today from a $3 store and the fumes are something else. It might be a cheap hobby but I think this brand is going to be reserved for outdoor use only.