Did I just watch someone die?
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According to this the driver survived:
Happened in the village of Uryum in Eastern Russia.
probable location in google maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/53%C2%B010'09.1%22N+118%C2%B007'00.0%22E/@53.1675162,118.1063825,2661m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d53.1691944!4d118.1166667?entry=ttu
River is the Shilka river, a branch of the Amur river.
Don't worry, surviving in Russia is only a temporary issue. May this man one day succeed in his quest to solve this vexing problem.
It seems likely. That vehicle was just swallowed by a flooding river. It's technically possible the occupants escaped, but unlikely.
I was hoping for a no, but thanks for the realistic analysis.
It's not easy for people to escape a submerged vehicle in still body of water, especially if the vehicle flips. Add in a raging river tumbling everything around, pushing everywhere... Even if you were able to escape the vehicle I don't think your chances of making it to shore from the middle would be good.
I know :(
I think once you are on the surface, your chances rapidly grow, even when its cold water with a lot of current. You still only have to manage to get 20-30m to the side out of the strongest current. The way to the surface in time to not suffocate might be the problem, especially out of a wildly tumbling car that smashes against rocks and stuff in the riverbed while being hurled on by a powerful current.
Probably. That did not look good
I wonder if they had time to think “I shouldn’t have tried to drive across the bridge.”
I wouldn't drive over that thing in any conditions.
Do some of the Lemmy apps have a time scroll for videos /gifs? I'm on liftoff and I hate being unable controlmthe playback
Rickety my arse: look how the bridge put itself back together again after it dropped the van, all in time for the next van.
I wouldn't trust that bridge even if the water was lower...
Reminds me of that scene from the movie Sorcerer
Excellent, excellent reference right there. That bridge scene is absolutely amazing.
Incredibly tense!
I wouldn’t be caught driving on that bridge if it was over a bone dry riverbed.
It looks like the classic rickety rope bridge trope
So it's a nope bridge
Yep, that's a walk or maybe cycle over type of bridge in the best of conditions.
Was this an Amazon Delivery Executive?
Does anyone know where this bridge is... or should I say was?
Where do they erect such wonky bridges and people are reckless enough to drive over them?
Any developing nation. Especially in more rural areas.
Is Russia a developing nation? I suppose it is.
Copied from u/sci@feddit.nl
According to this the driver survived:
Happened in the village of Uryum in Eastern Russia.
probable location in google maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/53%C2%B010'09.1%22N+118%C2%B007'00.0%22E/@53.1675162,118.1063825,2661m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d53.1691944!4d118.1166667?entry=ttu
River is the Shilka river, a branch of the Amur river.
~~Aero~~Hydroelastic Flutter