I use Smart Audiobook Player (red/white icon).
It does the job well.
Never bother searching for another.
But im gonna experiment now.
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@PeregrinoCinzento @TheYang
I can highly recommend (on android) LISTEN AUDIOBOOK PLAYER
It has all features of SmartAudiobook Player (possibly more), but I feel it is more polished, can use screen gestures (swipe up, down, right, left) for moving forward or back in book, or raise/lower volume.
Most importantly to me it can correctly show "chapters" in mp3 files, especially for audiobooks downloaded from Overdrive/Libby, which use a proprietary chapter tagging. SmartAudiobook Player can't
@PeregrinoCinzento @TheYang
Sirin Audiobook Player on Android is also very good and can decipher the Overdive/Libby chapters.
I'm the same, it's worked well for local files, occasionally I change an audiobook cover.
Smart AudioBook Player (Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ak.alizandro.smartaudiobookplayer&hl=en_US&gl=US
I primarley use it in combination with google wavenet/ Elevenlabs to generate audio books from light novels (for personal use)
Biggest reason I like it is wavenet/eleven labs tends to generate 1-2 min mp3 files. Smart audio book allows clustering of these mp3 files (merging total listening time).
I primarley use it in combination with google wavenet/ Elevenlabs to generate audio books from light novels (for personal use)
Do you mind sharing your workflow for this? It looks like their pricing is quite high for a book's worth of text.
I also saw someone incorporate elevenlabs into Tasker.
In terms of Audiobook Players for mobile phones, i tend to divide them into 2 categories:
- Apps which play the media stored locally:
Android Clients: a. Smart Audiobook Player - Versatile, has almost all the required audiobook features. Very stable and one of the oldest players in the market (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ak.alizandro.smartaudiobookplayer&hl=en&gl=US)
b. Listen Audiobook Player: Newer, has a better UI (in my opinion). Cloud Sync of reading progress (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.acmeandroid.listen&hl=en&gl=US)
c. Voice Audiobook Player: Good UI, FOSS (https://github.com/PaulWoitaschek/Voice)
iOS Clients: a. Bound Audiobook Player: Stable with most of the required features (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bound-audiobook-player/id1041727137)
b. Haven't used any other app
- Apps which work of server-client model
a. Audiobookshelf: New, still being actively developed. Android client though in beta is quite decent. iOS client still needs work. Multi-Platform (https://www.audiobookshelf.org/)
b. Plex with Prologue (https://prologue.audio/) (iOS)/Bookcamp (https://www.bookcamp.app/) (iOS/Android)/Symphonium (https://symfonium.app/) (Android): In terms of ease of use and features, Prologue beats all the other apps however the other apps mentioned provide a good experience
I have used both iOS and Android and tried everything available for both platforms.
At this moment I think the best audiobook players are:
iOS - “BookPlayer” by TortugaPower
Android - “Voice” by Paul Woitaschek